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Church Resources for Worship and COVID-19


St. John Lutheran Church is dedicated to providing a safe environment to gather and receive God's good gifts in His Divine Service to us. Below you will find a number of audio interviews from Lutheran Public Radio's "Issues Etc." where leaders in our Church Body address the state of the Church and it's pastors and laity during a pandemic. Please utilize and share these resources with family and friends. If you have any questions or concerns with our church's practices regarding safely worshiping together in person, please reach out to our Pastor, Marshal Frisque, at

Caring for your Pastor During the Pandemic


Click here to listen to an interview with LC-MS President, the Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, regarding care for God's servants, the Pastors He has placed in our churches to serve us and bring Christ's hope and salvation.

What if I get COVID-19 or Share it in Church?


We get sick, and we cannot stop it. In fact, ever sickness (cold or flu) we have ever had we received from someone else and most likely gave it to another person. This is not something we wantonly want to do, however, with our best precautions we may pass a sickness along. This includes COVID-19. We cannot attach a moral stigma to passing on an illness. Click here to listen to a dialogue response to a listener email question from Issues Etc. Make sure you fast forward to the 17 minute mark in the recording.

The Pandemic's Effects on the Church


The Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann, Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, discusses reality the Church may find itself in following the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to listen in to a discussion on what the greater church may look like when as this Pandemic comes to a close, when we see the habits that have taken root, and how the Church will go back to "normal". He has also written a paper entitled "The Post-Pandemic Pew". You can download that paper by clicking here

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