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Communication from the Board of Elders

- December 20th, 2020 -




Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ of St. John Fredonia,


Let us begin by wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We would like to let you know that all of us, the Board of Elders and Pastor, care deeply for each of our members’ well being and you remain regularly in our prayers. It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year like none other. We have all had challenges, the likes of which we have never experienced before. “Long stretches” have been a one day at a time kind of life, never quite knowing what tomorrow will bring. Whatever you might have had planned for tomorrow could change in an instant.


Through all of this there is one thing that has not changed, that is God’s love for each of us. Through all of this He has continued to come to us through His Word and Sacraments. We have changed the way we worship from video to small groups and then to social distance with masks and sanitizer. Your Pastor and congregational leaders have worked very hard to try and keep things as close to normal as possible. We have listened to our members and tried to make them feel safe in God’s house following the recommendations of our LC-MS District office and our state officials. If you think there is more that we can do please do not hesitate to contact Pastor or any of the elders.


The Thursday morning men’s bible study has begun studying 1 John and chapter 2 verse 9 states “Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. 10. Whoever loves his brother abides in the Light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. 12. I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for His names sake.” During this time of COVID-19 we may not agree on what the best practices are, but, please be considerate of your brother or sister who may share a different opinion. As one who lives “in the Light” show love and forgiveness toward your brothers and sisters. It is in much need during these days of COVID-19.


The Sunday morning bible study is reviewing the 10 commandments which is a good practice for all of us to do periodically. During these difficult times remember to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. This happens first and foremost by dwelling in God’s Word of Love regularly – in Church, in home devotions, and in our prayers. Please join us in-person, or through the recorded services, this Christmas to be reminded of a Love that came into this world to love us and redeem us! Services are 4 & 6 PM on Thursday and 9 AM on Friday morning.


To keep well-informed of what is going on at church we invite you to check the church website frequently at and/or sign up to receive our weekly email newsletter, the “Weekly Bell”. Please contact the church office to get on the email list. If you do not have computer access, please let us know and we would be happy to contact you to discuss any concerns.


There are also many resources available that cast a wonderful Christian light on our situation. Please take some time to meditate on the following interviews from Lutheran Public Radio’s “Issues Etc.” which can be found on our website by navigating to


God continues to bless His little flock here in Fredonia, Wisconsin. We have been relatively healthy and we have a dedicated Shepherd who loves his flock. Again, if you have any issues or concerns please contact Pastor Frisque or an elder.


In His service,


Steve Jagow
Wes Block
Keith Johnson
Abe Rhode
Matt Harvey
Brandon Reel

Your Board of Elders

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