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It's all about the Gospel!
It is our mission to bring Christ's salvation to the people.
Hymn of the Month
January - I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (LSB #411)
JOY Bible Study
Wednesday 10 am in the Church Library
Men's Bible Study
Thursday 6:15 am at Fredonia Family Restaurant
Women's Bible Study
*Tuesday 1pm in the Church Library
*Taking a break, will resume in February

St. John is a community formed by Jesus in Baptism and gathered around Scripture, Prayer, and the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Through the Church Jesus seeks to draw all people to himself, forgiving their sins by his death on the cross and sanctifying them for a life of love for God and service to their neighbors. We are a liturgical and confessional church and a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
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